Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Haven!

Welcome! You have found it!!! A Haven for all those who are like me, stuck in the Era of 80's and 90's Christian Music. I became a Christian at a young age in the beautiful Island of Puerto Rico, I moved there from the greatest City in the world NYC after my mother was sent to live her last days of her life in her homeland which turned out to be 14 plus years. Anyway, by 1985 I was looking for music that I could connect to, and feeling very strongly about not wanting to let go of my knowledge of the english language I turned to American Christian Music. And it all started when one Christmas day my mother gifted me a Techincs Small Stereo System!! I thought I was the Richest kid in my Apartment Complex!!! But that is when it all started for me, because now I had a stereo that had a double Cassette player and recorder but it also could play LPs. Although I really cant remember what was my first Cassette I am pretty much sure that it was Petra with Greg X. Volz at the Lead Vocals.

From that point on, I made sure that whenever I had money (which wasnt often) I would take the Public Bus to the one and only store in my hometown that sold English Christian Music. I have to say I did build up a nice collection by the time I went to Navy Bootcamp in Orlando, but now the majority of my collection is gone, I have been able to save a small part of my Cassette collection, my LP's are all gone no where to be found. Slowly but surely I transferring my remaining tapes to Itunes. And as I have found myself searching the internet trying to buy some of the Old Greats, I thought that maybe there is one other Soul out there that is looking for the same. So I started this blog, not sure how long I will be here posting and not sure even what to post about, but this is a start. My intent is to share my thoughts and maybe even some songs with you all. So if you are in search for Great Christian Music from a few decades ago, then this is your place. I will write about bands like: White Heart, The Choir, Mad at the World, Petra and also about the Solo Artists like: Russ Taff, Paul Smith, Margaret Becker, Randy Stonehill.

Right now I have to learn more about blogging and what I will be able to post and not post until then let me know you were here! God Bless


Garcia said...

What a great start my love! Hope this allows you to find others who share your passion for the 80's & 90's Christian Music. Love you much!

Leah said...

Hi Anthony!! Must say that I don't know much about 80s Christian music, but maybe I'll learn a few things. Let me know if you have any questions about blogger, I might be able to help. :)

Piloboysdad said...

Thank you to my beautiful Wife for her support in this endeavor, and i also want to thank a sister in Christ Leah for her comments, thanks to her now I know I will be able to post some videos on here!