Sunday, August 30, 2009


As I type this posting, I am currently converting a cassette to digital format so that I can upload it to my Itunes (Paul Smith's Back to Who I Am) a great "Album" but more on that on a later post. It is good to know that there are a few people reading this blog. I do appreciate it. I am a person that considers himself very blessed by the Lord. He has blessed me with an Awesome Wife, 2 handsome boys, a great job (one which I will be saying good bye to in a little over a year) the Lord has blessed me in many other things that I wont mention because I am not on here to brag, but to share some topics of great Christian Music of years past. And as I mentioned before I consider myself to be very blessed, in my first post, I talked about how I had lost through out the years most of my great collection of Christian Music that I once owned. I have been trying to build my collection back up again, by looking here there and everywhere. Well that brings me to the title of this post, on Friday my wife and I were riding together in my truck after we dropped her SUV off for some maintenance. It was early enough in the afternoon that we (mostly me) didnt feel like rushing back home, so we decided to just stop in a few stores to browse, the first store we stopped in did not bring about any good finds for me, or wait maybe it did, because my wife did buy a new non-stick frying pan and a Ginormous spatula which she christened by making me a DELICIOUS breakfast on Saturday, but I digress!!! After we finished at that store, we made a few other stops and just before we were to head home, Suzanne (my wife) wanted to stop in and look around in one of those Habitat Thrift Stores so me being the great husband that I am decided to oblige her and we went we are looking around the store going up and down the aisles of stuff they have, I came across an aisle that had Music, well I thought to myself that it wouldnt hurt to look, so I started to sort through the mess of tapes they had and to my great surprise I found Michael W. Smith's The Big Picture cassette, great "Album" with songs like Rocketown, Old Enough to Know and Lamu amongst other great songs. As I stood there with this incredible find in my hands, my interest in the pile of tapes grew strong. I made myself comfortable on the floor right there in that aisle ready to find at least one more great tape. Well, my efforts paid off because instead of finding 1 more tape I actually found 4 other great Christian Artists cassettes, 3 of which I had lost and 1 that I never had before. To me finding these tapes was like finding the Motherload, I am so glad that Suzanne wanted to stopped in that store to browse! What a great blessing this was to me. Just in case you are curious the other 4 tapes I found were: Bryan Duncan's Anonymous Confession of a Lunatic Friend (one of my favorite Bryan Duncan's albums), Sheila Walsh's Shadowlands, Russ Taff -self title album and Mylon LeFevre & Broken Heart's Crack in the Sky. It is my desire to eventually be able to put some of these songs from these albums here on my blog. But what I will do is share this video with you. Thank You Leah for sharing with me how to be able to do this!! This video is from Bryan Duncan's Mercy Album. The lyrics on this song are so powerful!! Every time I listen to this song it really does minister to me. The title of the song is Love Takes Time, and for those of you who are in love, you will probably agree with me that Love does take time, we are not perfect people and in our relationships we have to allow love to take the time it needs to grow. As one who is a believer in God's Love for us I am tankful for how He loves me, and it is that way that I want to Love not only those who love me (because that is very easy) but to love those that don't! Thanks for reading!


Garcia said...

I actually didn't use the spatula for that breakfast... it was TOO ginormous.